January 2019 Update:
New teams are forming up, old ones are ‘breaking up’, and there are openings now
Winter is the right time to find a team - email canadian.dinghy.association@gmail.com
There are a few ways to join the Canadian International 14 fleet:
Find a Crew Opening
Send an email to canadian.dinghy.association@gmail.com or post on our Facebook Page expressing your interest
We will try to find a suitable match for you!
Approach anyone rigging an I14 at RCYC or NSC
Buy a used boat:
I14 forums
US Fleet Classifieds
Buy a new boat:
Henderson Boat Company (North American Builder)
China New Yachts (Import From China)
Composite Craft Inc. (Import from UK)
Ovington Boats (Import from UK)
Build your own boat
Figure out who Broccoli is and learn if this is something for you!
International 14's are a development class, which basically means every boat is custom. It is recommended that one starts with a used boat because setting up and tuning a boat is not trivial.