The 2018 International 14 Canadian Championships will be held at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Racing will be held on July 14 and 15th, 2018.
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
Results (updated 2018-07-19)
Congratulations to CAN 621 and Pandamonium for the 2018 I14 Canadian Championship win.
While CAN 622 and CAN 621's series scores were equal at 13 points, the tiebreaker was complicated by the fact that the 'double points' race 3 was won by CAN 622, counting as 2 points, and CAN 622 having four first place finishes to CAN 621's three. The interpretation of this by the RC on site was that the tie is broken in favour of the most first place finishes. However, per Appendix A8.1, the tiebreak is in terms of race points, and not race placings. This shifted the tiebreak, and the championship in favour of CAN 621. Thank you to the crew of CAN 622 for the sportsmanship they showed in conceding following a more diligent review of the tiebreak rules. CAN 622 retains the Itchenor Trays and Viscount Trophy, but CAN 621 become the winners of the Bourke Trophy, and J. Lemeuix becomes the winner of the Bob Davis Memorial Trophy.
A8.1 If there is a series-score tie between two or more boats, each boat’s race scores shall be listed in order of best to worst, and at the first point(s) where there is a difference the tie shall be broken in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s). No excluded scores shall be used.
A8.2 If a tie remains between two or more boats, they shall be ranked in order of their scores in the last race. Any remaining ties shall be broken by using the tied boats’ scores in the next-to-last race and so on until all ties are broken. These scores shall be used even if some of them are excluded scores.
2018 CDA Champion CAN 621 'Pandamonium', Skipper: L. Laventure, Crew: J. Lemeuix
Registration: April 1, 2018 through July 13, 2018
Friday July 13, 2018:
Opening Drink @ Kingston Brewing Company
Saturday July 14, 2018
1100 hrs: Warning Signal for Racing on Kingston Harbour
~1930 hrs: CDA Fleet Dinner, Lonestar
Sunday July 15, 2018
1000 hrs: Warning Signal for Racing on Kingston Harbour
1500 hrs: Last possible Warning Signal
After Racing: Awards
2018 Canadians Registration Form